Interface IPipeline

public interface IPipeline
The pipeline is a list of streams that are executed in order for every invoked flush.
Multiple pipelines can be created for different purposes, they can be used for the same display.

WARNING: This pipeline is not thread-safe and should only be used on a single thread.

  • Method Details

    • output

      IPipelineOutput output()
      Currently only used internally, but is a working part of the API.
      the output instance used for flushing
    • output

      void output(IPipelineOutput output)
      Currently only used internally, but is a working part of the API.
      output - the output instance used for flushing
    • addStream

      void addStream(IPipelineStream stream)
      Adds the given stream to the streams executed on a flush.
      They are executed in the order in which they are added.
      stream - the stream to add
    • addNode

      @Deprecated default void addNode(IPipelineStream stream)
      misleading name, use addStream(IPipelineStream) instead
    • removeStream

      boolean removeStream(IPipelineStream stream)
      Removes the given stream from the streams executed on a flush.
      They are executed in the order in which they are added.
      stream - the stream to remove
    • removeNode

      @Deprecated default void removeNode(IPipelineStream stream)
      misleading name, use removeStream(IPipelineStream) instead
    • streams

      @Unmodifiable List<IPipelineStream> streams()
      The returned streams are executed in the order in which they are added on a flush.
      the streams executed on a flush
    • flush

      void flush(IPipelineInput input)
      Flushes the pipeline. This will execute all streams in the order in which they are added.
      input - the input to use for the pipeline
      See Also:
    • destroy

      default void destroy()
      Destroys the pipeline and internal related resources.
      WARNING: This method should be called when the pipeline is no longer needed. It is not guaranteed that a pipeline will work correctly after this method is called.