Class FontRegistry


public final class FontRegistry extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • convertText

      public static BufferedImage convertText(String text, Font font, Color color)
      Convert the specified string text to an image with the given font and color, which is anti-aliased (less rough edges).
      text - the text to render
      font - the font to use for the text
      color - the color to use for the text
      a rendered image of the specified text
    • convertText

      public static BufferedImage convertText(String text, Font font, Color color, boolean antiAliasing)
      Convert the specified string text to an image with the given font and color.
      text - the text to render
      font - the font to use for the text
      color - the color to use for the text
      antiAliasing - if antialiasing should be enabled (less rough edges)
      a rendered image of the specified text
    • convertText2Bytes

      public static FullSpacedColorBuffer convertText2Bytes(String text, Font font, Color color)
      Rendered the specified text to an argb color buffer
      See Also:
    • convertText2Bytes

      public static FullSpacedColorBuffer convertText2Bytes(String text, Font font, Color color, boolean antiAliasing)
      Rendered the specified text to an argb color buffer
      See Also: