Interface IPipelineProvider

public interface IPipelineProvider
Manager interface for creating objects related to pipelines.
  • Method Details

    • createPipeline

      default IPipeline createPipeline(IPipelineStream... streams)
      Creates a new pipeline with the given output and the specified streams.
      The initial pipeline output is created using output().

      WARNING: This Pipeline can only be used with a IMapDisplay.

      streams - the initial streams to be set on the pipeline
      a new pipeline
    • createPipeline

      IPipeline createPipeline(IPipelineOutput output, IPipelineStream... streams)
      Creates a new pipeline with the given output and the specified streams.
      output - the initial output called to process every pipeline flush
      streams - the initial streams to be set on the pipeline
      a new pipeline
    • output

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default IPipelineOutput output()
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Creates a new pipeline output instance, which flushes the buffer to the map display of the context. WARNING: This creates a IPipelineOutput for a MapDisplay
      a new default pipeline output instance
    • createMapOutput

      IPipelineOutput createMapOutput()
      Creates a pipeline output for IMapDisplay's.
      a new default pipeline output instance
    • createHoldableOutput

      IPipelineOutput createHoldableOutput()
      Creates a pipeline output for IHoldableDisplay's.
      a new default pipeline output instance
    • drawingSpace

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default IDrawingSpace drawingSpace(IMapDisplay display)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Creates a drawing space for the given map display. The width and height is the total width and height of the specified map display. The context is the default for this map and is created using ctx(IMapDisplay).
      display - the map display used for creating the drawing space
      a new drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • createDrawingSpace

      default IDrawingSpace createDrawingSpace(IDisplay display)
      Creates a drawing space for the given map display. The width and height is the total width and height of the specified map display. The context is the default for this map and is created using createCtx(IDisplay).
      display - the map display used for creating the drawing space
      a new drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • drawingSpace

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default IDrawingSpace drawingSpace(int width, int height, IMapDisplay display)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Creates a drawing space for the given context and creates a new rgb buffer with the given width and height.
      width - the width for the new drawing space
      height - the height for the new drawing space
      display - the map display used for creating the drawing space
      a new drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • createDrawingSpace

      default IDrawingSpace createDrawingSpace(int width, int height, IDisplay display)
      Creates a drawing space for the given context and creates a new rgb buffer with the given width and height.
      width - the width for the new drawing space
      height - the height for the new drawing space
      display - the map display used for creating the drawing space
      a new drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • drawingSpace

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default IDrawingSpace drawingSpace(FullSpacedColorBuffer buffer, IMapDisplay display)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Creates a drawing space for the given context and buffer.
      buffer - the buffer used for drawing
      display - the map display used for creating the drawing space
      a new drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • createDrawingSpace

      default IDrawingSpace createDrawingSpace(FullSpacedColorBuffer buffer, IDisplay display)
      Creates a drawing space for the given context and buffer.
      buffer - the buffer used for drawing
      display - the map display used for creating the drawing space
      a new drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • drawingSpace

      default IDrawingSpace drawingSpace(IPipelineContext ctx, int width, int height)
      Creates a drawing space for the given context and creates a new rgb buffer with the given width and height.
      ctx - the context for this drawing space
      width - the width for the new drawing space
      height - the height for the new drawing space
      a new drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • drawingSpace

      Creates a drawing space for the given context and buffer.
      ctx - the context for this drawing space
      buffer - the buffer used for drawing
      a new drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • layeredDrawingSpace

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default ILayeredDrawingSpace layeredDrawingSpace(IMapDisplay display)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Creates a layered drawing space for the given map display. The width and height is the total width and height of the specified map display. The context is the default for this map and is created using ctx(IMapDisplay).
      display - the map display used for creating the layered drawing space
      a new layered drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • createLayeredDrawingSpace

      default ILayeredDrawingSpace createLayeredDrawingSpace(IDisplay display)
      Creates a layered drawing space for the given map display. The width and height is the total width and height of the specified map display. The context is the default for this map and is created using createCtx(IDisplay))}.
      display - the map display used for creating the layered drawing space
      a new layered drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • layeredDrawingSpace

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default ILayeredDrawingSpace layeredDrawingSpace(int width, int height, IMapDisplay display)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Creates a layered drawing space for the given context and creates a new rgb buffer with the given width and height.
      width - the width for the new layered drawing space
      height - the height for the new layered drawing space
      display - the map display used for creating the layered drawing space
      a new layered drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • createLayeredDrawingSpace

      default ILayeredDrawingSpace createLayeredDrawingSpace(int width, int height, IDisplay display)
      Creates a layered drawing space for the given context and creates a new rgb buffer with the given width and height.
      width - the width for the new layered drawing space
      height - the height for the new layered drawing space
      display - the map display used for creating the layered drawing space
      a new layered drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • layeredDrawingSpace

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default ILayeredDrawingSpace layeredDrawingSpace(FullSpacedColorBuffer buffer, IMapDisplay display)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Creates a layered drawing space for the given context and buffer.
      buffer - the buffer used for layered drawing
      display - the map display used for creating the layered drawing space
      a new layered drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • createLayeredDrawingSpace

      default ILayeredDrawingSpace createLayeredDrawingSpace(FullSpacedColorBuffer buffer, IDisplay display)
      Creates a layered drawing space for the given context and buffer.
      buffer - the buffer used for layered drawing
      display - the map display used for creating the layered drawing space
      a new layered drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • layeredDrawingSpace

      default ILayeredDrawingSpace layeredDrawingSpace(IPipelineContext ctx, int width, int height)
      Creates a layered drawing space for the given context and creates a new rgb buffer with the given width and height.
      ctx - the context for this layered drawing space
      width - the width for the new layered drawing space
      height - the height for the new layered drawing space
      a new layered drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • layeredDrawingSpace

      ILayeredDrawingSpace layeredDrawingSpace(IPipelineContext ctx, FullSpacedColorBuffer buffer)
      Creates a layered drawing space for the given context and buffer.
      ctx - the context for this layered drawing space
      buffer - the buffer used for layered drawing
      a new layered drawing space used for drawing shapes
    • ctx

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true) default IPipelineContext ctx(IMapDisplay display)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      Creates a new context instance for the provided IMapDisplay.
      The display can be retrieved again by using IPipelineContext.getDisplay().
      display - the display to create the context for
      a new pipelining context
    • createCtx

      IPipelineContext createCtx(IDisplay display)
      Creates a new context instance for the provided IMapDisplay.
      The display can be retrieved again by using IPipelineContext.getDisplay().
      display - the display to create the context for
      a new pipelining context