Interface IDisplayProvider

public interface IDisplayProvider
Manager interface for creating all sorts of map displays.

All "raw" creation methods require creating a pipeline using the IPipelineProvider.

  • Method Details

    • createRawPipelineDisplay

      default IMapDisplay createRawPipelineDisplay(org.bukkit.util.BlockVector a, org.bukkit.util.BlockVector b, org.bukkit.block.BlockFace direction, IPipeline pipeline)
      The a and b points should build a 2d box.
      a - the first position for the item frame box
      b - the second position for the item frame bos
      direction - the direction used for interactions and in which the map faces
      pipeline - the pipeline used for creating the display
      a new map display instance with the specified pipeline
    • createRawPipelineDisplay

      IMapDisplay createRawPipelineDisplay(org.bukkit.util.BlockVector a, org.bukkit.util.BlockVector b, org.bukkit.block.BlockFace direction, org.bukkit.block.BlockFace visualDirection, IPipeline pipeline)
      The a and b points should build a 2d box.
      a - the first position for the item frame box
      b - the second position for the item frame bos
      direction - the interaction direction
      visualDirection - the direction in which the map faces
      pipeline - the pipeline used for creating the display
      a new map display instance with the specified pipeline
    • createBasic

      default IMapDisplay createBasic(org.bukkit.util.BlockVector a, org.bukkit.util.BlockVector b, org.bukkit.block.BlockFace direction)
      The a and b points should build a 2d box.
      a - the first position for the item frame box
      b - the second position for the item frame bos
      direction - the direction used for interactions and in which the map faces
      a new map display instance with a default pipeline
    • createBasic

      IMapDisplay createBasic(org.bukkit.util.BlockVector a, org.bukkit.util.BlockVector b, org.bukkit.block.BlockFace direction, org.bukkit.block.BlockFace visualDirection)
      The a and b points should build a 2d box.
      a - the first position for the item frame box
      b - the second position for the item frame bos
      direction - the interaction direction
      visualDirection - the direction in which the map faces
      a new map display instance with a default pipeline
    • createRawPipelineHoldableDisplay

      IHoldableDisplay createRawPipelineHoldableDisplay(IPipeline pipeline)
      pipeline - the pipeline used for creating the display
      a new holdable display using the specified pipeline
    • createHoldableDisplay

      IHoldableDisplay createHoldableDisplay()
      a new holdable display with a default pipeline