All Classes and Interfaces

Color buffer used for wrapping minecraft color space data.
Specifies how to convert a FullSpacedColorBuffer to a ColorBuffer.
ARGB color buffer with 24 bit of rgb colors and 8 bits of an alpha channel.
Marker interface for all map displays.
Manager interface for creating all sorts of map displays.
Drawing utility for drawing single pixels or other shapes and forms.
Single frame of a map display.
A holdable display is a single map with the dimensions of 128x128.
This can be used for giving players a holdable map item.
A combination of multiple IDrawingSpace's, stacked on top to produce layering.
Utilities for working with BufferedImage's.
Abstract representation for vanilla filled maps, used for IHoldableDisplay and for multiple IFrame in IMapDisplay.
This is used to convert 24-bit RGB color space to the minecraft map color space.
A map display which creates packet-level item frame displays with a custom width and height.
The pipeline is a list of streams that are executed in order for every invoked flush.
Multiple pipelines can be created for different purposes, they can be used for the same display.
This interface is used to pass data between IPipelineNode's, it is created for every flush and is passed to every node.
Implemented by every pipeline processing element.
Only internally implemented, but is working API.
Manager interface for creating objects related to pipelines.
A pipeline stream is a pipeline node which takes a buffer, a context and returns a computed buffer.
This is used for applying filters in the pipeline or changing the pipeline context based on the buffer contents.
Represents a click on a map done by a player.
Specifies which action the player executed for a MapClickEvent.
The main API class for the MapEngine plugin.
Used to hold the result of tracing a map display using MapEngineApi.traceDisplayInView(Player, int).
Specifies which type of packet should be passed to the server, when a player interacts with a map.
A utility class for holding an x- and y-position.