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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


receivers() - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline.IPipelineContext
The receivers are used for determining which players will receive the update.
Receivers are used for sending different images on the same display to different players.
receivers(Collection<? extends Player>) - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline.IPipelineContext
Replaces the receivers with the specified collection of receivers.
rect(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.drawing.IDrawingSpace
Draws a filled rectangle in the drawing space.
rect(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.drawing.IDrawingSpace
Draws a hollow rectangle in the drawing space with the border using the specified thickness.
RED - Static variable in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.colors.IMapColors
removeColor(int) - Method in class de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.util.FullSpacedColorBuffer
Removes all occurrences of the given color, replacing them with transparent pixels.
removeNode(IPipelineStream) - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline.IPipeline
misleading name, use IPipeline.removeStream(IPipelineStream) instead
removeReceiver(Player...) - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline.IPipelineContext
Removes one or more specified players from receivers.
removeStream(IPipelineStream) - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline.IPipeline
Removes the given stream from the streams executed on a flush.
They are executed in the order in which they are added.
replaceColor(int, int) - Method in class de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.util.FullSpacedColorBuffer
Replaces all occurrences of the old color with the new color.
resize(BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.util.ImageUtils
Creates a new image with the given width and height using the content of the given image.
resultBuffer() - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.drawing.ILayeredDrawingSpace
rgb(BufferedImage) - Static method in class de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.util.ImageUtils
A helper method to get the rgb array from a buffered image.
RIGHT_CLICK - Enum constant in enum class de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.util.MapClickType
rotate(Rotation) - Method in class de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.util.FullSpacedColorBuffer
Creates a rotated copy of this buffer.
rotation(Player, float, float) - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.clientside.IMapDisplay
Sets the entity rotation of the item frame.

Warning: This breaks the visual click detection of the item frame.
Rotation - Enum Class in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.util
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values