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IDisplay - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.clientside
Marker interface for all map displays.
IDisplayProvider - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.clientside
Manager interface for creating all sorts of map displays.
IDrawingSpace - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.drawing
Drawing utility for drawing single pixels or other shapes and forms.
IFrame - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.clientside
Single frame of a map display.
IHoldableDisplay - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.clientside
A holdable display is a single map with the dimensions of 128x128.
This can be used for giving players a holdable map item.
ILayeredDrawingSpace - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.drawing
A combination of multiple IDrawingSpace's, stacked on top to produce layering.
image(BufferedImage, int, int) - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.drawing.IDrawingSpace
Draws an image in the drawing space.
ImageUtils - Class in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.util
Utilities for working with BufferedImage's.
IMap - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.clientside
Abstract representation for vanilla filled maps, used for IHoldableDisplay and for multiple IFrame in IMapDisplay.
IMapColors - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.colors
This is used to convert 24-bit RGB color space to the minecraft map color space.
IMapDisplay - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.clientside
A map display which creates packet-level item frame displays with a custom width and height.
instance() - Static method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.MapEngineApi
Utility method to get the instance of the MapEngineApi.
interactDistance() - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.clientside.IMapDisplay
interactDistance() - Method in class de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.event.MapClickEvent
interactDistance(double) - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.clientside.IMapDisplay
Sets the distance at which the player can interact with the map display.
The default distance is at 6 blocks.
interactionEntityId() - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.clientside.IFrame
Note: Frames only exist on the network level, so the server doesn't know about this frame entity.
IPipeline - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline
The pipeline is a list of streams that are executed in order for every invoked flush.
Multiple pipelines can be created for different purposes, they can be used for the same display.
IPipelineContext - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline
This interface is used to pass data between IPipelineNode's, it is created for every flush and is passed to every node.
IPipelineInput - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline
IPipelineNode - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline
Implemented by every pipeline processing element.
IPipelineOutput - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline
Only internally implemented, but is working API.
IPipelineProvider - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline
Manager interface for creating objects related to pipelines.
IPipelineStream - Interface in de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline
A pipeline stream is a pipeline node which takes a buffer, a context and returns a computed buffer.
This is used for applying filters in the pipeline or changing the pipeline context based on the buffer contents.
isReceiver(Player) - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.pipeline.IPipelineContext
itemRotation(Player, int) - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.clientside.IMapDisplay
Sets the item rotation of the item frame.
itemStack(int) - Method in interface de.pianoman911.mapengine.api.clientside.IMap
Creates an ItemStack with the correct map id set for the given z level.
This should be used for giving e.g.
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